
Home Retail Monitor

With skyrocketing home prices, homeownership is the lowest it's been among Millennials.

This week's Home Retail Monitor dives into the home buying trends of Millennials and how inflation and high gas prices have discouraged spending.

Read the entire study.

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What does consumer spending look like with current home buying trends?

  • 25% of Millennials considered buying a home in the past year but did not purchase one.
  • 75% cited the rising prices of houses in their decision not to buy.
  • 30% say prices need to decline by 15% or more to feel comfortable buying a house.

Read the entire study.


Why it matters.

The home improvement industry will rely on Millennial homeowners to fuel future growth. But only 60% of Millennials who have hit age 40 own a home. Read the entire study to see how this could impact home improvement retail.

Read the entire study.





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